Project List
Roads - CCM, Inc. was been hired for compliance. The project was awarded to Toste Grading & Paving, Inc. by the Trustees at the 10-17-23 meeting. Work started 1-23- 2024. The road work was completed on 5-3-2024 after serveral rain delays. As of 5-6-2024 all cemetery roads are open! There is a video posted under About Us in the Photo Gallery of some of the work being done.

Free Wood - From time to time there will be wood stacked on the side of the roads that can be picked up by members of the public at no cost for personal use. You must bring your own truck or trailer and load wood yourself. Keep vehicles on the road, do not drive on to the grassy burial areas, wood that is available for pick up will be accessible from the road. Contact the office at 805-466-1242 for availability.

Replace broken concrete water pipe - This project has been completed. Sprinkler heads are being adjusted or replaced now that all areas have water. There are a few older areas that are watered manually.
Cleaning of the slippage along the hillside is Section N - This work was done through the SLO County Sheriff's Alternative Work Program. Work started on 9-20-2023. The debris was removed and the stones and rocks were lined up along the bottom of the hillside. The project was completed on 10-11-2023. There are 2 pictures below from the area at the beginning and 2 pictures at the end of the project.

Fencing - The metal posts and caution tape located just off the road between sections A-40 and D have been replaced with split rail fencing. This project started on 10-19-2023 and was completed on 11-13-2023. The work was done by cemetery staff and the SLO County Sheriff's Alternative Work Program.

A pergola, covering an existing bench was built as an Eagle Scout project in Section D - Francisco Chavez is a senior at Paso Robles High School. He is currently in the Paso Robles Boy Scouts, Troop 60, and has been involved with the Scouts since he was in the 4th grade. Francisco's Eagle Scout Project idea evolved after a conversation with cemetery staff about the sun that hits one of the benches, and how much nicer and more comfortable it would be to provide shade for that area. Francisco thanks, Paso Robles Lowes for donating supplies and Weyrick Lumber for donating the needed building materials. The Trustee's and staff of the cemetery thank Francisco for his work.
Well - We are investigating the possibility of digging a well(s) to use for cemetery irrigation purposes. A geological study is planned for late 2024 or early 2025.
Expansion - This project is in the planning stages. A flat area referred to as "Camp Stoney" is being considered for future grave space. Access to the area is being prepared and clearing of fallen trees will need to be done next.